Voluntary opportunities

Voluntary roles with Leicester Shop Mobility
There are two voluntary roles available with Leicester Shop Mobility, click the link below to find out more.
More on roles with Leicester Shop Mobility
SHARP volunteering opportunities
Assist with the smooth and efficient running of Shelter Housing Aid and Research Project (SHARP), mainly through Administrative and Casework assistance.
More on volunteering with SHARP
Canal & River Trust voluntary opportunities
Visit the Canal & Rover Trust website to search for voluntary opportunities close to you.
More on canal & river trust volunteering
FareShare volunteering
FareShare have opportunities in Wigston or Narborough. Give your time for a great course and gain valuable logistics and warehousing experience for your CV.
More on Fareshare volunteering
VAL - Voluntary Action Leicestershire
VAL supports people to find short term volunteering opportunities to help them gain work experience, develop their skills and explore new career prospects for the future.
Val website