Supported Employment Leicester
Support for adults in Leicester to find and stay in paid employment
Who do we work with?
• Unemployed people who want to find work.
• Have a Learning Disability* and/or Autism.
• Are over 18.
• Live in Leicester.
Please contact us using our on-line referral via the link below, or call us on 0116 454 0079.
If you live outside of the city boundary Enrych may be able to help you.

What does Supported Employment do?
Our Job coaches, help you to find and maintain a job by working with you in some of the following areas:
• Explore your skills and things you are good at.
• Work with you to find a paid job that matches those skills.
• Offer support to apply for a job, including CV building.
• Practice interview skills and support within interview if needed.
• Meet with you and the employer to find out what support you may need in work.
• Look at getting extra support or adaptations, as needed, so that you can do your job.
• talk with you about any benefits you receive and why you can be ‘better off’ in work.
• Work with you to settle into a job.
• Work with Employers to become disability confident.
Useful links:
What is a learning disability? on the Mencap website
More on Autism diagnosis on the National Autistic Society website
Supported Employment is funded by Leicester City Council and a grant from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).
Pre-employment checklist
Before you start to look for work, there are some things that you could be doing to get yourself prepared.
We have put together a pre-employment checklist, it provides a step by step guide to being prepared for work, including links to additional support.
Click the link below to find out more.

Job opportunities
View our list of employment opportunities with employers who are committed to employing people who have additional needs and/or a disability.

Additional Support

Autism Space
Find advice, information and support around all things relating to autism.
Find out more on the Autism Space web page
Better Off Leicester
BetterOff will show you the benefits you are entitled to and will help you to apply for them online. BetterOff also provides information on how to find and apply for jobs.
visit Better Off Leicester website
Chat Autism
Chat Autism offers support for autistic people and their parents/carers/families or allies living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
visit the chat autism website
ENRYCH for county residents
If you live outside of the city boundary Enrych provides services that empower disabled adults to overcome obstacles and embrace their aspirations.
Enrych website
Joy app
The Joy platform helps thousands of health professionals access preventative care options which will lead to better, long term health outcomes for people across the UK
Joy app website
Leicester City Council
Visit the Leicester City Council website via the link below.
Leicester City Council website
MyChoice Leicester City
MyChoice is a directory for care and support services for people living within the Leicester City area.
Visit the MyChoice web page
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both:
* a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
* difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition

Real Purpose
Helping people enter education, voluntary or paid work and most importantly, sustain that work. Support for individuals who may face additional barriers in accessing these opportunities.
more on real purpose
Universal Credit
Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. It’s paid monthly. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income or out of work.
more on universal credit
Voluntary Action Leicestershire
Voluntary Action LeicesterShire (VAL) is a charity that helps people in local communities to change their lives for the better.
VAL websiteWorld of Work Leicester and Leicestershire
World of Work Leicester and Leicestershire gives an overview of the key employment sectors across Leicester and Leicestershire for young people and adults.
Click the links below to find out more: