Working with a range of partners from Premier League Football Clubs to HM Prisons, Kick Off in Business run short events and courses which are fun, engaging, practical and useful. We provide people with information to set up on their own and at the same time, protect them from the information they don’t need. We package the common challenges and considerations of starting up and help you tackle them. Starting a business is easier and closer than you think.
Kick Off in Business operates across a large number of public and private prisons providing the offender and ex-offender population with qualified and accredited ‘through the gate’ business start-up advice and support. Our ‘through the gate’ support provides a clear pathway, priceless continuity and stability for learners. This support extends to working with other specialist ex offender agencies to tailor a package of support to the specific needs of each learner.
Each of our courses carry a formally recognised business qualification. They are delivered via a series of short, punchy, fun and engaging sessions designed to provide learners with sufficient information for them to launch a business. Support for learners immediately after release can have a significant influence on their resettlement. Our Through the Gate aftercare package is available to all learners regardless of whether they attended our provision whilst in custody.
Please follow the link below to find out more about us and view the up and coming community events and courses we have on offer.