CFO Activity Hub
What is a CFO Activity Hub ?
- CFO Activity Hubs is a new project funded by CFO, HMPPS and part funded by the European Social Fund.
- The hubs aim to provide a safe space for participants to build a healthier, more stable and fulfilling life.
- The activity hubs have been located to ensure that they are accessible to as many participants as possible.
- The hub site is located:
- Voluntary Action Building, 1st Floor, 9 Newark Street, Leicester, LE1 5SN
- Tel: 01164 973 400
- E mail:
What do we do?
- Actively engage with participants who may have complex or multiple barriers within a 121 and group setting and are unlikely to benefit from other services.
- Support a participant journey led by the participant to encourage sustained engagement and therefore progression.
- Developing individual's life skills, communication and self-worth in preparation for their next steps on their journey; signposting to other provision
- Reduce and remove barriers to community reintegration.
- Assistance with up to 30 hours of activities per week.
Interventions have been designed to cover the following areas:
- Human and Citizenship – Delivering 121 and group interventions to support self-worth, encourage relationship building and improved communication
- Community and Social – Delivering a mixture of accredited and non accredited interventions to remove barriers through access to support services and developing skills
- Interventions and Services – Delivering wrap-around support to enable ongoing attendance and participation for specialist services and interventions
To be able to take part you need to:
- be over the age of 18
- be unemployed
- legally have permission to live and work in the UK
- be serving a current community sentence or be under supervision on licence (for the time on provision)
Taking part is voluntary and is not timebound
How to refer
Referrals can be made from Public services such as Probation, Courts, Police/ PCC, Local authority or JCP.
We can also take referrals through other routes such as Housing associations, Voluntary services, Health services and through self-referral routes
We will support the following priority groups:
- Disabilities / health conditions (inc. Drug and alcohol)
- Over 50s
- Ex-Service Personnel
- Women
- Referral form to be completed and sent to relevant hub via the secure email address supplied on the form.
- Internal eligibility checks will be completed on receipt of referral.
- Referring organisation will be contacted for a warm handover.
- Participant will be allocated a Support Worker for their time on provision.
- Offender Manager will be contacted in all cases and this contact will be maintained throughout engagement on provision.
- Participant will be contacted and invited to attend the hub for induction and action plan completion.